The Future of Work

2 – Primary Research

Research Methodology 

In order to deliberate on secondary research and outline project conclusions, primary research methodologies have been employed. Face-to-face interviews with two industry professionals were conducted over a two-week period, combining to detail relevant opinions on this research topic. Six open-ended research questions were developed and designed to ascertain in-depth insights and qualitative research from HR consultants. In addition, HR consultants were also asked to participate in a review and assessment of three future University of Wollongong marketing graduates LinkedIn and Facebook profiles, including my own.

Research Participants 

The HR consultants were selected on the basis of their previous experience with the recruitment process at their place of work, whereby they have utilised methods of e-recruitment when reviewing and assessing job applicants. Both participants were from organisations based in Sydney, residing in the government and private sector. The organisations the two HR consultants work for have a diversified workforce with a variety of positions, ranging from entry-level graduates to executive roles.

The two students within this research study were selected based on their choice of major. I am interested in observing HR recruiter’s interpretations of future marketing graduates’ profiles, as this is the profession I hope to enter into. I believe further insights and opinions into one’s online profiles is invaluable, thus reinforcing the significance of this chosen research methodology. 

Both participants are currently in their third and final year at the University of Wollongong (UOW) and are completing a marketing major. Participant one is a female student who is currently enrolled in an internship subject at UOW. She recently updated her Facebook and LinkedIn profiles to reflect her current professional and personal experiences. Her selection for this research project was on the basis of her media profiles being recently reviewed, thus providing value to the second primary research component. The second participant is a male student who was offered the opportunity to participate in this research project. He is currently completing his final year studying marketing and is hoping to gain insights into how he can enhance his professional ‘online-self’. This research project not only attempts to provide insightful conclusions, but also provide student participants with helpful recommendations and advice from the HR consultants review and assessment.

Due to the time constraint of this research project, the number of student participants was confined to two, whereby subjects were also chosen according to factors such as, ease-of-access and the ability for instant communication. Ultimately, it was important the subjects sampled were able to inform important facets and perspectives related to the phenomenon being studied.

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Image: Brittany Ritchie

Before conducting the interviews, participants included in this research project, HR consultants and university students, signed a participation consent form. To ensure this form of primary data collection was successful, ethical practices regarding respect, honesty and integrity were upheld. Through upholding the ‘Media Alliance Code of Ethics’, all data analysis has been interpreted and documented accurately and fairly (MEAA 2019). Communication with participants regarding their involvement was consistent across this form of primary research. Finally, participants agreed to have their names published and were made aware the data obtained will be publicly available via WordPress.


Consent Forms – HR Consultants and Students 

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